Minggu, 12 September 2010
Senin, 06 September 2010
55+ (finally)
everybody know, how stress i am before (finally)..
a photo exhibition by UFO’s 17th generation
(but no one know, how proud i am being one of them)

held on 27th August-1st September 2010
at cafebale Jogjakarta
opened by a very famous painter; Ki Joko Pekik
visited by at least 400 lucky people (including my father :D)
i don't ever think,
there's an amazing, beautifull, antique, and unforgetable art gallery like CAFEBALE before.
Although it spent too much time for the curator to think about the display, but hey..
looook how cozy this place..

Oke, lets check this out
this is one of my photo(s), titled "Ditinggal Untuk Merdeka"
I photographed Kiki Mella Clara's super grandmom -Ms. Marijam- (read:Maryam)
with her husband -Mr. Barnas- photo in her hand.
Mr. Barnas was an Indonesia freedom fighter, died because stroke a few years ago.
hmm to be honest i felt disappointed because
Bang Didi (one of the curator) rejected my writing for this photo's caption. :(
But this is my page, i can write all of what i want here. So sorry Bang Didi hihi :p
"Ditinggal Untuk Merdeka"
Tangan tak dapat lagi digenggam
Pipi tak dapat lagi dikecup
Bahkan sehelai rambutpun tak dapat lagi dibelai
Kenangan memang tak pernah salah untuk selalu diingat
Tapi apa mau dikata kalau Tuhan yang bertahta
Simpan! Simpan kenangan itu..
Seperti suamimu selalu menyimpan merah di darahnya
dan putih ditulangnya.

And the other photo was..
"Layang Kangen"
Sepine ing wengi iki. Atiku mung tansyah iling karo kowe. Angin parama ribut mung tansyah ngelengake. Aku ora bakal lali karo kowe. Aku kangen kowe. Isuk, awan, wengi, sore.
Aku kangen kowe! -Mi-
Sunyinya malam ini. Hatiku hanya teringat padamu. Angin parama ribut turut mengingatkan. Aku tak akan melupakanmu. aku merindukanmu. pagi, siang, malam, sore. Aku merindukanmu! -Mi-*
*Surat ini tak pernah tersampaikan. Beberapa tahun yang lalu, suaminya berpulang.
Mbah Mi (the talent) is a food seller behind my father's office. She is a widow. Her husband died a few years ago. She tried to write down her everlasting longing to her husband (in heaven) by this letter. She said to me that the letter was a Java's song lyric by Didi Kempot.

I and 24 other photographers work hard to organize
and make our passion comes true; making a good photos exhibition.
and i feel so satisfied with all of our work hard. God bless us! :D
Check my besties photo work..
Satria Dewi Anjaswari with her "I Love You, Grand Dad!"
(i love her caption soooo much!
I wish i can buy my way to meet my grand dad too, Kaben :))
Dian Ayu Aryani with her "Do You Think She Is The Real Kartini"
(I love the way she went to Gramedia book store to found some caption inspiration)
Meirani Indri Hastuti with her "Kenali Aku" and "Renta dan Jelita"
(I know how she did all in one power to got her photo work! Good job, Memeo :D)
Muhammad 'Adin' Imaduddin with "Endless Love"
Abang rahmat Budiman with "Ruang Isolasi" and "Inilah Panti Jompo"
Faizal Afnan with "Harmonisasi Hati" and "Tangan Penghidupan"
A. Brahmana S. with "Mensana In Corporesano"
Hepi Hestiana D. K. with Rose at Dusk
Brian Ramdhani with "Bantu Berjalan"
Dhamar Haribowo with "Kasih Sayang and "Nafkahku di Mesin Ketik"
Ridho Handoyo with "Mempertahankan Hidup"
Brinalloy Yuli with "Tua dan renta"
Medita Hermawan with "My Priceless"
N. Aditya Rizali with "Alat Bantu Dengar"
Rizqa R with "Pasca Purna"
Afra Khumaira with "Are You Ready To Pump?"
Arif Setyo Hutomo with "Harian Senja"
Wiwin Nopiansyah with "Hanya BersamaMu" and "Tanpa Mahkota"
Aghisni Hardewinta with "Sang Abdi"
Yosephin Anandati with "Tongkat Topang Hidup"
Hale Azarya with "Mencari Rezeki"
Giany Amorita with her amazing photo work "A Hard Days Night"
last but not the least Fariz Riyadi with "Bengkel Tua"
Comment(s) and favorite photo(s) writen by all of the visitors
mari mari mari merayakan masa muda
sebelum akhirnya waktu itu tiba..
(inspired by Bang Didi's words)

a photo exhibition by UFO’s 17th generation
(but no one know, how proud i am being one of them)

held on 27th August-1st September 2010
at cafebale Jogjakarta
opened by a very famous painter; Ki Joko Pekik
visited by at least 400 lucky people (including my father :D)
i don't ever think,
there's an amazing, beautifull, antique, and unforgetable art gallery like CAFEBALE before.
Although it spent too much time for the curator to think about the display, but hey..
looook how cozy this place..

Oke, lets check this out
this is one of my photo(s), titled "Ditinggal Untuk Merdeka"

with her husband -Mr. Barnas- photo in her hand.
Mr. Barnas was an Indonesia freedom fighter, died because stroke a few years ago.
hmm to be honest i felt disappointed because
Bang Didi (one of the curator) rejected my writing for this photo's caption. :(
But this is my page, i can write all of what i want here. So sorry Bang Didi hihi :p
"Ditinggal Untuk Merdeka"
Tangan tak dapat lagi digenggam
Pipi tak dapat lagi dikecup
Bahkan sehelai rambutpun tak dapat lagi dibelai
Kenangan memang tak pernah salah untuk selalu diingat
Tapi apa mau dikata kalau Tuhan yang bertahta
Simpan! Simpan kenangan itu..
Seperti suamimu selalu menyimpan merah di darahnya
dan putih ditulangnya.
And the other photo was..

Sepine ing wengi iki. Atiku mung tansyah iling karo kowe. Angin parama ribut mung tansyah ngelengake. Aku ora bakal lali karo kowe. Aku kangen kowe. Isuk, awan, wengi, sore.
Aku kangen kowe! -Mi-
Sunyinya malam ini. Hatiku hanya teringat padamu. Angin parama ribut turut mengingatkan. Aku tak akan melupakanmu. aku merindukanmu. pagi, siang, malam, sore. Aku merindukanmu! -Mi-*
*Surat ini tak pernah tersampaikan. Beberapa tahun yang lalu, suaminya berpulang.
Mbah Mi (the talent) is a food seller behind my father's office. She is a widow. Her husband died a few years ago. She tried to write down her everlasting longing to her husband (in heaven) by this letter. She said to me that the letter was a Java's song lyric by Didi Kempot.

and make our passion comes true; making a good photos exhibition.
and i feel so satisfied with all of our work hard. God bless us! :D
Check my besties photo work..

(i love her caption soooo much!
I wish i can buy my way to meet my grand dad too, Kaben :))

(I love the way she went to Gramedia book store to found some caption inspiration)

(I know how she did all in one power to got her photo work! Good job, Memeo :D)
Muhammad 'Adin' Imaduddin with "Endless Love"
Abang rahmat Budiman with "Ruang Isolasi" and "Inilah Panti Jompo"
Faizal Afnan with "Harmonisasi Hati" and "Tangan Penghidupan"
A. Brahmana S. with "Mensana In Corporesano"
Hepi Hestiana D. K. with Rose at Dusk
Brian Ramdhani with "Bantu Berjalan"
Dhamar Haribowo with "Kasih Sayang and "Nafkahku di Mesin Ketik"
Ridho Handoyo with "Mempertahankan Hidup"
Brinalloy Yuli with "Tua dan renta"
Medita Hermawan with "My Priceless"
N. Aditya Rizali with "Alat Bantu Dengar"
Rizqa R with "Pasca Purna"
Afra Khumaira with "Are You Ready To Pump?"
Arif Setyo Hutomo with "Harian Senja"
Wiwin Nopiansyah with "Hanya BersamaMu" and "Tanpa Mahkota"
Aghisni Hardewinta with "Sang Abdi"
Yosephin Anandati with "Tongkat Topang Hidup"
Hale Azarya with "Mencari Rezeki"
Giany Amorita with her amazing photo work "A Hard Days Night"
last but not the least Fariz Riyadi with "Bengkel Tua"

mari mari mari merayakan masa muda
sebelum akhirnya waktu itu tiba..
(inspired by Bang Didi's words)

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