Selasa, 09 November 2010

little thing that i miss

i miss my n70
it was a reward from my mother because i was listed as a science student in my Senior High School

my N70

where i saved and showed to everybody my -so-last-year-ugly photo design
where i photoraphed my self, in the day I and Namec having our first date
where there's a lot of "Happy Sweet Seventeen" greating message from all of my friends

where i photographed all of my Senior High School story
and finally followed me to Jogjakarta

i miss you dear. Where are you now? :(

Pray For Indonesia

Jogjakarta menangis.
Aku juga.
Yang kuat ya teman-teman!

Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010

dear Benji...

i made you a book
a book where you can share everything

i know you are a good writer..
so i hope you want to write everything there..
i know you are a good painter
so i hope you want to draw something there, too..
i know it's ugly
but believe me i made it with a lot of love by my self, all in one power

happy birthday Satria Dewi Anjaswari!
God bless you you youuuu!

(kok aku (sok) romantis banget yah nulisnya. Kantong plastiiik dooong :p)

Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010

Kula Nuwun Party 2010

Kula Nuwun Party (KNP) merupakan sebuah ajang yang diselenggarakan setiap tahunnya oleh mahasiswa baru Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta
KNP tahun ini, diselenggarakan oleh teman-teman mahasiswa komunikasi 2010, pada tanggal 15 Oktober 2010 di Lapangan Sansiro Fisipol UGM

Burn my spirit, get your music, get our KNP

KNP dua ribu sepuluuuuuuuuuh

Band yang main oke-oke, keren-keren, ah pokoknya such a great night ever in my life lah :)
Semua foto yang ada disini hasil lukisan Susilo lhoh.
Aku nekat kan pake lensanya Susiloo :p
i love you Susilo

ternyata, bergantung pada jenis musik yang dimainkan, musisi punya cara berdiri masing-masing.

aku suka bagian ini.
Saat mas Rere (komunikasi 2008) dan mbak Ocha (komunikasi 2008) melebur menjadi satu dalam permainan keyboard disalah satu lagu.
Rasanya bagaimana begitu melihatnya.
Romantis.. Iya.
Seru.. Iya.
Asik.. Iya.
well yang terakhir.. Aku sirik.. Iya.

Wah wah lihaaat apa yang aku temukan.
Si empunya amazing brain ternyata bermain musik juga.. :D

KNP 2010 dahsyaat
KNP 2010 kereeeen
KNP 2010 okeeeeee
KNP 2010 gauuuuul
makasih adik-adik 2010
walaupun kalian suka rese tapi kalian imut-imut lucu-lucu, dan keren-keren
Sukses terus.
Nanti waktu ulang tahun aku yang ke 17 kalian aja jadi EOnya yaaaa.

semua happy happy di KNP
untuk semalam saja bermimpi indah karena kesenangan yang ditimbulkan KNP 2010,ga papa kan?
good night!

Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010

letter to you #3

Cukup, Tuhan..
Seperti longan apabila kau sejajaran dengan labu Cinderella.
Aku terlalu lemah dibanding kuasamu meski kau anggap aku mampu"


Apa kau sendirian dirumah seperti aku disana?

Apa kau harus menelepon dan mengirim pesan pada semua teman untuk meminjam laptop agar dapat mengerjakan tugas?
Apa kau dituduh perebut pacar orang?
Apa kau merusak jam tangan dan laptop pemberian ibu?
Apa kau merusak modem pemberian ayah?
Apa kau butuh kulkas dan pagar rumah?
Apa kau butuh AC?
Ngomong-ngomong Tuhan, lelakiku yang direbut dan bukannya aku merebut"


lama aku memandang layar handphone.
Tak juga berbunyi, tak juga berdering.
Tuhan tidak membalas dua pesanku.
Dia hanya diam.
Walau aku yakin Dia tersenyum. Bersiap mengangkatku.
Entah untuk dinaikkan lebih tinggi..
atau malah kembali dijatuhkan.
Lebih jauh lagi.

Selasa, 12 Oktober 2010

A new "home" for ANO

Ano looks so handsome with his new home.
Unfortunatelly God doesn't let he lives happilly ever after with other fish in his beautifull home. :( Poor Ano.

But don't worry Ano, i'll be with you forever <3

Minggu, 12 September 2010

happy lebaran!

Baju baru alhamdulillah
tuk dipakai dihari raya
Tak barupun tak apa-apa
Masih ada baju yang lama

(Yang penting hatinya yang baru!) :D
Happy Lebaraaaan, all!

Senin, 06 September 2010

55+ (finally)

everybody know, how stress i am before (finally)..
a photo exhibition by UFO’s 17th generation
(but no one know, how proud i am being one of them)

held on 27th August-1st September 2010
at cafebale Jogjakarta
opened by a very famous painter; Ki Joko Pekik
visited by at least 400 lucky people (including my father :D)

i don't ever think,
there's an amazing, beautifull, antique, and unforgetable art gallery like CAFEBALE before.
Although it spent too much time for the curator to think about the display, but hey..
looook how cozy this place..

Oke, lets check this out
this is one of my photo(s), titled "Ditinggal Untuk Merdeka"

I photographed Kiki Mella Clara's super grandmom -Ms. Marijam- (read:Maryam)
with her husband -Mr. Barnas- photo in her hand.
Mr. Barnas was an Indonesia freedom fighter, died because stroke a few years ago.
hmm to be honest i felt disappointed because
Bang Didi (one of the
curator) rejected my writing for this photo's caption. :(
But this is my page, i can write all of what i want here. So sorry Bang Didi hihi :p

"Ditinggal Untuk Merdeka"

Tangan tak dapat lagi digenggam
Pipi tak dapat lagi dikecup
Bahkan sehelai rambutpun tak dapat lagi dibelai
Kenangan memang tak pernah salah untuk selalu diingat
Tapi apa mau dikata kalau Tuhan yang bertahta
Simpan! Simpan kenangan itu..
Seperti suamimu selalu menyimpan merah di darahnya
dan putih ditulangnya.


And the other photo was..

"Layang Kangen"

Sepine ing wengi iki. Atiku mung tansyah iling karo kowe. Angin parama ribut mung tansyah ngelengake. Aku ora bakal lali karo kowe. Aku kangen kowe. Isuk, awan, wengi, sore.
Aku kangen kowe! -Mi-

Sunyinya malam ini. Hatiku hanya teringat padamu. Angin parama ribut turut mengingatkan. Aku tak akan melupakanmu. aku merindukanmu. pagi, siang, malam, sore. Aku merindukanmu! -Mi-*

Surat ini tak pernah tersampaikan. Beberapa tahun yang lalu, suaminya berpulang.


Mbah Mi (the talent) is a food seller behind my father's office. She is a widow. Her husband died a few years ago. She tried to write down her everlasting longing to her husband (in heaven) by this letter. She said to me that the letter was a Java's song lyric by Didi Kempot.

I and 24 other photographers work hard to organize
and make our passion comes true; making a good photos exhibition.
and i feel so satisfied with all of our work hard. God bless us! :D

Check my besties photo work..

Satria Dewi Anjaswari with her "I Love You, Grand Dad!"
(i love her caption soooo much!
I wish i can buy my way to meet my grand dad too, Kaben :))

Dian Ayu Aryani with her "Do You Think She Is The Real Kartini"
(I love the way she went to Gramedia book store to found some caption inspiration)

Meirani Indri Hastuti with her "Kenali Aku" and "Renta dan Jelita"
(I know how she did all in one power to got her photo work! Good job, Memeo :D)

Muhammad 'Adin' Imaduddin with "Endless Love"
Abang rahmat Budiman with "Ruang Isolasi" and "Inilah Panti Jompo"
Faizal Afnan with "Harmonisasi Hati" and "Tangan Penghidupan"
A. Brahmana S. with "Mensana In Corporesano"
Hepi Hestiana D. K. with Rose at Dusk
Brian Ramdhani with "Bantu Berjalan"
Dhamar Haribowo with "Kasih Sayang and "Nafkahku di Mesin Ketik"
Ridho Handoyo with "Mempertahankan Hidup"
Brinalloy Yuli with "Tua dan renta"
Medita Hermawan with "My Priceless"
N. Aditya Rizali with "Alat Bantu Dengar"
Rizqa R with "Pasca Purna"
Afra Khumaira with "Are You Ready To Pump?"
Arif Setyo Hutomo with "Harian Senja"
Wiwin Nopiansyah with "Hanya BersamaMu" and "Tanpa Mahkota"
Aghisni Hardewinta with "Sang Abdi"
Yosephin Anandati with "Tongkat Topang Hidup"
Hale Azarya with "Mencari Rezeki"
Giany Amorita with her amazing photo work "A Hard Days Night"
last but not the least Fariz Riyadi with "Bengkel Tua"

Comment(s) and favorite photo(s) writen by all of the visitors

mari mari mari merayakan masa muda
sebelum akhirnya waktu itu tiba..
(inspired by Bang Didi's words)

Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010

i love Indonesia

hei hei holly ramadhan is in the house yo, happy fasting everybody! :D
Been Long time not post some story here.
Umm.. Life getting crowd recently. There's so many things to do to prepare a photo exhibition.

By the way, loooooook!
Bagus Indro Nugroho and me made some simple colaboration.
And alhamdulillah, it won some competition at Minnesota USA that held by Indonesian student association there .

this is it....

Thank to amazing brain of Fauzan Riza for giving me some advice(s) to finished it. :D

Jumat, 23 Juli 2010

but i will never delete you from my lovely people list

Mbak Cantik Yang I Adore So Much.. (mcyiasm)
for god sake
for my photo exhibition sake
and for everything
i don't mind to disturb your relation ship
i just want to make my promise comes true

can you stop tweeting or updating status about begging me to stop spoil your BF?
hei NO NO i don't mind to spoil your BF and even another girls's
don't let your self doing a stupid think such as giving
too much protection to your BF, you are too worth to do like that!
you make your self seem like a security.

i swear, i adore you so much.
you are so beautifull, you are so strong, you are so cool, and smart for sure
we have shared so many things that happened to us
i feel so deep enjoy to tell you about my story
i let you know, mcyiasm.. I'm hurt. So-much-hurt i mean
but what can i do?
the more i move
the more you blame me
but i will never 'safe' you like you ever did to me :p
i'll let you make all the peoples think that i'm the one who did wrong, i'm cruel, i'm bastard or even i'm bitch
it's up to you
it's not because i want to take people's attantion
it's not because i want to get people's sympathy
perhaps, it's just because i'm "kampungan". :p

get a happy life mcyiasm.

you were begging me to quit..
yes.. i'll quit!

Rabu, 14 Juli 2010

faithfull and unfaithfull

Sari: "i cant live without you, Beib. You know that"
Dika: "i will never let you go sweety and i will always here beside you!"

................................................................. a year later

Dika: "hai Sari would you come to my wedding party? I'll marry Diana next month"
Sari:"i.. ii.. iii don't even have an idea to find someone else but you"

.you have to be faithfull to yours.



After long time got no confidence to be a photo model ehm, finally i have a power to told about my desire to have a serious photoshot to ROBITU HUKAMA. A guy who finally decided to gave his soul to PHOTOGRAPHY. :D
the other important person of this photoshot was KIKI MELACLARA.

That was the best afternoon i ever had #too much haha.
Having a very very good time to take a lot of pictures.
My pictures and his pictures. Well, our pictures i mean. :D
enjoy.. :D
(sorry for the ugly of mine)

a boy beside me was Bagus Indro Nugroho

he makes me smile
he makes me happy
he makes me broken heart
he makes me sad
he makes me cry
he makes me learn
he makes me feel this world

friend? NO
best friend? NO
well then.. No No No he is not my boyfriend too.. :D
we are more than just in a relation ship.
we are more than just a girl and a boy who spend their time in the mall and go home together.
we are soulmate. Yes soulmate. At least for our self and in our mind . :D

Rabu, 07 Juli 2010

semoga bahagia..


making love with photoshop in the middle of the night

i've made some 'stupid' photo story from my young sister photo's collection.
I guess i start to falling in love (again) with photoshop and making another photo story.