Minggu, 16 Mei 2010

kado buat Assyifa

oke its probably something like a uniqe thing to know that my young sister, me, and my youngest sister have a consecutive birthday.
My young sister Aswita, was born at 12 May 1994.
13 May 1991 is my birthday,
and last 14 May 1997 is my youngest sister's (Assyifa) birthday. I bought her some present and wraped it self.
Well, let see what i've done..

i just need some cut, double tape, and wrapping paper like this
to make it to be like that:

i dont have much money to bought some expensive present to her :( i'm so sorry baby i just can bought you this mickey mouse t-shirt..

i put it to the pouch that i've made and taraaaaa...


1 komentar:

  1. tasnya ngebuat sendiri? lucu bgt, bisa kasih tau ga step nya?
